It’s imperative that you know once we submit your loan application it does not go into a black hole. Instead, an entire team is working together to get you cleared to close as soon as possible. While each member of this team is responsible for different jobs, in reality, many of them are happening at the same time. Each team member is working together to expedite the process and ensure your loan reaches the status of “clear to close”.
As soon as your application is submitted, a team of openers are ordering all of the services needed to complete the file. This includes, but is definitely not limited to, title insurance, verification of employment, and an appraisal. All of these services provide information to the processors and underwriters that answer one main question; “Can we approve this loan and feel comfortable that the borrower will make their payments on time for a property that is fairly valued?”
As the loan is being opened, our processors are reviewing all of the documentation you sent to your loan officer as part of the application process. You have submitted your bank statements, paystubs, W’2s, and possibly more. A processor’s job is to go through each of those documents carefully and verify the information included in the loan application. If they notice anything in the documentation that is not clearly explained or accounted for in the loan application, they will come back to you and ask for additional documentation. If you’re asked for supplemental documentation it does not mean anything more than your processor wanting to make sure they have everything needed to get your loan fully approved. The processor’s job is to ensure that the underwriter will have as few questions as possible when reviewing your application and can see a clear picture of your financial story.
Once the processors have everything they need they will submit your loan to underwriting. The underwriters will review the entire mortgage package against the product guidelines and make sure everything is met and issue your approval. If they have any questions they will issue what is called “conditions.” These are simply things they need information on or documentation for before they fully approve the mortgage.
After they review the entire mortgage package they will send the mortgage back to the processors and they will supply all of the information needed to satisfy the conditions or answer the questions that the underwriters have. Once all the conditions have been met and questions have been answered, your loan will be resubmitted to the underwriter for final approval.
While a team of processors and underwriters are working to get your loan approved, a closing team is hard at work getting all of the information needed to issue a final closing disclosure. This includes all third-party fees, title insurance, and speaking with your homeowner’s insurance company to provide you with a complete document that includes all of the information needed for closing, including your monthly payments and all closing costs. This will not be the first time you see your closing costs. You receive an initial closing disclosure from your loan officer early in the process that will have an estimate of your closing costs so you are well prepared for what you need for closing.
While there is so much that is happening behind the scenes, the most important thing to remember is an entire team is working together for you. Throughout this entire process, you should be receiving consistent and clear communications from your loan officer about where your loan is at in the process and expectations for when you will get to call your new house your home.
This part of the mortgage process is the most confusing, but knowledge is power. Having an understanding of your personal loan process will help you feel a sense of control and give you a little peace of mind. Working with a trusted team of professionals will get you from application to closing in the most stress-free way possible.
For more information about the home buying process and how to start,
contact one of our loan officers today or visit our
products page to see what financing solutions Fairway has for you!
Copyright ©2024 Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation. NMLS#2289 ( 4750 S. Biltmore Lane, Madison, WI 53718, 1-866-912-4800. All rights reserved. This is not an offer to enter into an agreement. Not all customers will qualify. Information, rates and programs are subject to change without notice. All products are subject to credit and property approval. Other restrictions and limitations may apply.
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